Photo/Illutration Shigeru Ishiba, new president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, enters the party headquarters in Tokyo’s Nagatacho district on Sept. 30. (Takeshi Iwashita)

Shigeru Ishiba, president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, plans to appoint 13 rookies, including two women, to his Cabinet and exclude all lawmakers implicated in the party’s fund-raising scandal, sources said.

Ishiba, 67, a former defense minister and LDP secretary-general, is expected to be elected as prime minister at an extraordinary Diet session to be convened on Oct. 1. His administration will likely be inaugurated on the same day.

Takeshi Iwaya and Gen Nakatani, both former defense ministers close to Ishiba, will be appointed foreign minister and defense minister, respectively, the sources said.

Iwaya, 67, and Nakatani, 66, will be responsible for negotiations concerning Ishiba’s plans to revise the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement and create an Asian version of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The two female Cabinet members will be Junko Mihara, who will be in charge of policies related to children, and Toshiko Abe, who will hold the education portfolio, the sources said.

Mihara, 60, is a former state minister of health, labor and welfare, while Abe, 65, currently serves as state minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology.

In the political fund scandal, 85 LDP Diet members and others failed to report a total of 579 million yen ($4 million) in proceeds from fund-raising parties over five years through 2022, according to an LDP investigation.

After the scandal came to light, they corrected their political fund income and expenditure reports to declare the revenue.

The Cabinet will feature many lawmakers who enabled Ishiba to run in the Sept. 27 LDP leadership contest by providing the required personal endorsements.

They include: Seiichiro Murakami, 72, who will become minister for internal affairs and communications; Yasuhiro Ozato, 66, agriculture minister; and Masaaki Taira, 57, minister for digital transformation.

For the LDP leadership lineup inaugurtated on Sept. 30, Ishiba appointed former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga as vice president, replacing Taro Aso, another former prime minister, who became a supreme adviser.

Relations soured between Ishiba and Aso after Ishiba, who was agriculture minister in the Aso Cabinet, demanded the unpopular prime minister resign in 2009.

Aso, 84, backed Sanae Takaichi, minister in charge of economic security, in the runoff vote of the LDP leadership contest.

Ishiba, who was the runner-up in the first round of voting but edged out Takaichi in the runoff by 21 votes, hopes to promote reconciliation within the party by tapping Aso as supreme adviser.

In the past, former Prime Ministers Nobusuke Kishi and Takeo Fukuda were appointed as LDP supreme advisers.

Ishiba also appointed Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki, a member of the Aso faction, as chairman of the General Council, the LDP’s top decision-making body.

A record high nine candidates ran in the LDP presidential election.

At a news conference after he was elected, Ishiba said he intends to ask the eight rivals to assume posts suited to them.

Takaichi, 63, was offered the post of chair of the General Council, but she declined, the sources said.

Takayuki Kobayashi, a former minister in charge of economic security who placed fifth in the leadership contest, also declined the offer to become chair of the LDP’s Public Relations Headquarters, the sources said.

* * *


* Prime Minister:

Shigeru Ishiba, 67, Lower House, LDP

* Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications:

Seiichiro Murakami, 72, Lower House, LDP

* Justice Minister:

# Hideki Makihara, 53, Lower House, LDP

* Foreign Minister:

Takeshi Iwaya, 67, Lower House, LDP

* Finance Minister:

Katsunobu Kato, 68, Lower House, LDP

* Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:

# Toshiko Abe, 65, Lower House, LDP

* Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare:

# Takamaro Fukuoka, 51, Upper House, LDP

* Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:

# Yasuhiro Ozato, 66, Lower House, LDP

* Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry:

# Yoji Muto, 68, Lower House, LDP

* Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism:

Tetsuo Saito, 72, Lower House, Komeito

* Environment Minister:

# Keiichiro Asao, 60, Upper House, LDP

* Defense Minister:

Gen Nakatani, 66, Lower House, LDP

* Chief Cabinet Secretary:

Yoshimasa Hayashi, 63, Lower House, LDP

* Minister for Digital Transformation:

# Masaaki Taira, 57, Lower House, LDP

* Reconstruction Minister:

# Tadahiko Ito, 60, Lower House, LDP

* National Public Safety Commission Chairman:

# Manabu Sakai, 59, Lower House, LDP

* Minister for Policies Related to Children:

# Junko Mihara, 60, Upper House, LDP

* Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization:

# Ryosei Akazawa, 63, Lower House, LDP

* Minister in charge of Economic Security:

# Minoru Kiuchi, 59, Lower House, LDP

Minister for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs:

# Yoshitaka Ito, 75, Lower House, LDP

Note: Those marked with # are joining a Cabinet for the first time.


* Supreme Adviser:

Taro Aso, 84, Lower House

* Vice President:

Yoshihide Suga, 75, Lower House

* Secretary-General:

Hiroshi Moriyama, 79, Lower House

* Chair of General Council:

Shunichi Suzuki, 71, Lower House

* Chair of Policy Research Council:

Itsunori Onodera, 64, Lower House

* Chair of Election Strategy Committee:

Shinjiro Koizumi, 43, Lower House

* Chair of Diet Affairs Committee:

Tetsushi Sakamoto, 73, Lower House

* Chair of Party Organization and Campaign Headquarters:

Yuko Obuchi, 50, Lower House

* Chair of Public Relations Headquarters:

Takuya Hirai, 66, Lower House