Photo/Illutration Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki speaks to reporters at a Dec. 30 news conference. (Shogo Mitsuzumi)

Tokyo, Osaka Prefecture and Okinawa Prefecture each reported at least 50 new COVID-19 cases on Dec. 30 amid the year-end holiday season.

Okinawa Prefecture’s confirmed infection tally hit 50 for the first time since Sept. 30. The figure does not include the 45 new COVID-19 cases reported by the U.S. military at bases in the prefecture.

Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki told reporters that day there was a need for stronger measures to prevent community spreads of the novel coronavirus.

The Tokyo metropolitan government confirmed 64 new cases, the second straight day for the daily total to top 50 in the capital.

For the week ending Dec. 30, the daily average of new cases in Tokyo was 48.7, an increase of 64.5 percent over the average of the previous week.

Metropolitan government officials said only one COVID-19 patient in Tokyo developed symptoms serious enough to require the use of a ventilator or other breathing equipment on Dec. 30.

Osaka Prefecture confirmed 52 new infections, exceeding 50 for the third consecutive day.