Photo/Illutration Nagahiro Minato, Kyoto University president, interviewed by The Asahi Shimbun in Kyoto on April 26 (Ryosuke Nonaka)

KYOTO--Kyoto University is looking to nurture the next generation of researchers who may be currently struggling to complete their education during the novel coronavirus pandemic.

It will establish a scholarship fund of 2.5 billion yen ($22.85 million) for students who want to become researchers and need financial assistance.

The university aims to help students advance to doctoral programs to train them as researchers as well as supporting their daily lives under the COVID-19 pandemic.

The university is considering providing 50,000 yen per month to undergraduates and 100,000 yen per month to graduate students in scholarships from the next fiscal year. Recipients do not need to pay back the financial assistance. 

Donations from supporters, including an architect and a company owner, will be used for the fund.

“With the provided scholarships, they can reduce their part-time work and concentrate more on their studies. I have this hope,” said Nagahiro Minato, the university president, in an interview with The Asahi Shimbun.

“We would like to create a positive cycle to allow the supported students to become great researchers and to give donations for nurturing the next generation of researchers.”

(This article was written by Ryosuke Nonaka and Keiko Nagai.)