Photo/Illutration The Defense Ministry (Asahi Shimbun file photo)

Defense Ministry officials are considering raising the issue of China spreading false information about the coronavirus outbreak to bolster its geopolitical influence in this year’s defense white paper.

Internal documents related to the key annual policy report indicate the ministry may raise red flags over China’s efforts to exploit social uncertainty created by the coronavirus pandemic by spreading fake information.

The defense white paper is expected to be approved by the Abe Cabinet in July.

The internal documents suggest the white paper will touch on how the pandemic has led to canceling or delaying defense training and joint military exercises. The documents point out the virus could have major effects on various nations’ military structures if delays or cancellations last for a prolonged period.

The documents also raised concerns that new strategic competition could emerge among different nations, creating a security issue for Japan, because of China’s efforts to expand its influence and forge a new regional and global order more to its advantage.

The documents also point out that North Korea has developed more advanced ballistic missiles, creating a need for greater missile interception capabilities.

Since May 2019, the three new types of short-range ballistic missiles launched by North Korea all used solid fuel, allowing the missiles to fly at a lower altitude, according to the documents. The new design is intended to allow them to break through enemy missile defense systems, the documents said.

Of greater concern is the possibility North Korea will apply that technology to develop longer-range missiles. In that event, Japan would have to cooperate with other nations to put together a missile defense system able to intercept such missiles.