Photo/Illutration A "taro-tachi" sword whose blade is 2.22 meters long is on display at Atsuta Jingu shrine's Kusanagi-kan exhibition hall in Nagoya's Atsuta Ward on Oct. 2. (Yuji Sato)

NAGOYA--Mega-size swords are part of the permanent display of treasure swords being held here at Atsuta Jingu shrine, in the city's Atsuta Ward.

Two "magara-tachi" swords famed for their oversized blades are on show: a "taro-tachi" with a 2.22-meter blade, and its sister sword, "jiro-tachi," which boasts a 1.67-meter blade.

The fearsome weapons are displayed in independent cases to spotlight the wavy "hamon" pattern on their blades that is slightly different on each surface.

In one section of the venue, visitors can feel the weight of the magara-tachi swords. In another, commentaries enlighten on the intricacies of the forging process and the Kusanagi-no-tsurugi sword, the "goshintai" object of worship for Atsuta Jingu after which the exhibition hall is named.

The shrine houses about 450 swords and blades carried by feudal warriors, military personnel, swordsmiths and ordinary people.

They include more than 30 pieces designated as cultural properties by the central or prefectural governments, including a short sword inscribed with the signature of Rai Kunitoshi, which is a national treasure, and three "wakizashi" short blades collectively known as the "Three Swords of Atsuta," consisting of Azamaru, Kumokirimaru and Atsuta Kuninobu.

The swords are not all on show at any one time. Different ones will be rotated in and out monthly.

The new hall was constructed to celebrate the transition of the imperial era from Heisei to Reiwa, which occurred in 2019.

Admission is 500 yen ($4.40) for adults and 200 yen for elementary and junior high school students.