Photo/Illutration Pedestrians wearing face masks to stay safe in Tokyo on Aug. 17. (AP Photo)

Tokyo confirmed 5,074 fresh cases of COVID-19 on Aug. 21, while Aichi Prefecture in central Japan reported a record 1,445 cases, the fourth straight day for the figure to exceed 1,000.

Aichi’s two neighbors in the Tokai region also had record highs on Aug. 21. Mie Prefecture reported 427 cases and Gifu Prefecture had 345.

While the latest tally in Tokyo was the fourth straight day for the capital to have more than 5,000 new cases, the figure was a decrease of 20 from the previous Saturday.

The daily average of new cases for the week ending Aug. 21 came to 4,719, a 11.5-percent increase over the previous week, metropolitan government officials said.

Six deaths from COVID-19 were also confirmed, with the patients ranging in age from their 30s to 80s.

Officials said 270 patients had symptoms serious enough to warrant the use of a ventilator or other equipment to breathe. The figure was a decrease of three from the previous day.

Of the latest cases, 1,598 patients were in their 20s, 967 in their 30s, 750 in their 40s and 543 in their 50s. Officials said 565 patients were aged between 10 and 19 and that 216 were 65 or older.