Photo/Illutration Yasutoshi Nishimura arrives at the prime minister’s office on Aug. 10. (Koichi Ueda)

Yasutoshi Nishimura, the economic revitalization minister who also heads the central government’s effort against the COVID-19 pandemic, visited Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on Aug. 13 during the state of emergency, sources said.

Nishimura appears to be the first Cabinet member since the Yoshihide Suga administration was formed in September 2020 to pay a visit to the shrine, which honors the nation’s war dead, along with 14 Class-A war criminals.

Nishimura used his own money to pay the fee to offer a sacred branch to the shrine, the sources said.

Nishimura visited the shrine on Aug. 16 last year, the day after the anniversary of Japan’s announced surrender in World War II.

“I strongly urge people to stay at home with their families during the Bon holiday season” to contain the novel coronavirus, Nishimura told reporters on Aug.12.

The virus is again fast spreading in the capital, and the health care system has become increasingly strained with the rising numbers of COVID-19 patients.

An all-party group of Diet members established to visit Yasukuni Shrine has refrained from going there during the latest wave of infections.