The second season of the “Fruits Basket” TV anime series, based on a manga that became hugely popular at home and abroad, will start on April 6.

The story centers around high school girl Tohru Honda, who unexpectedly finds her new home is inhabited by her prince-like classmate, Yuki Soma. Little does she know, members of the Soma family are bound by a curse.

A special promotional clip featuring highlights from the first season and scenes from the second season has been released.

The latest season will show who Akito Soma (voiced by Maaya Sakamoto) is to members of the Somas, who are possessed by the spirits of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac.

Natsuki Takaya’s manga of the same name ran in Hakusensha Inc.’s Hana to Yume semi-monthly comic anthology for girls from 1998 to 2006. It had more than 30 million copies in print worldwide.

The manga was adapted into a 26-episode animated TV series in 2001, followed by a stage play adaptation in 2009.

“Fruits Basket” spawned another all-new TV series that aired from April to September 2019, featuring new voice cast members and produced by new staff to animate all the episodes from the manga series.

To watch the promotional clip, visit the official website at (

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