An animated TV series called “The Millionaire Detective Balance:Unlimited” will premiere in April on Fuji Television Network Inc.’s “noitaminA” late-night animation slot.

The series was adapted from Yasutaka Tsutsui’s best-selling novel “Fugo Keiji” (Millionaire detective) published about 45 years ago.

The story revolves around detective Daisuke Kambe, the heir of an extremely wealthy family who solves cases in an unimaginable and wild fashion.

A key visual showing Kambe and his soft-hearted partner, Haru Kato, has been unveiled, as well as a teaser clip.

The latest anime adaptation is directed by Tomohiko Ito based on scripts provided by main screenwriter Taku Kishimoto. Keigo Sasaki is attached as character designer for the series, which is produced by CloverWorks Inc.

Voice-recording artists Yusuke Onuki and Mamoru Miyano will play Kambe and Kato, respectively.

To view the teaser, visit the official website at (

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