ASAHIKAWA, Hokkaido--Visitors to this city known for recording the lowest temperature in Japan can now receive "official" recognition for braving the cold.

The Asahikawa Tourist and Convention Association has been offering a certificate since Dec. 23 stating that a visitor has experienced "extremely cold weather."

The postcard-size document is available for 200 yen ($1.80) at the Asahikawa Tourism and Local Products Information Center inside JR Asahikawa Station.

The lowest temperature of the day on the visit will be stamped on the front of the certificate, which has a note saying, "If you return here in half a year, you can enjoy scenery, food and events that could not be experienced today."

The back of the document shows a blooming soba (buckwheat) field, one of the "must-see" attractions in Asahikawa, inviting the winter tourists back in the summer.

The city recorded a temperature of minus 41 degrees in 1902, the lowest ever recorded by the Japanese Meteorological Agency.

"The extreme cold is bothersome to residents, but for tourists it's part of the fun," an association official said. "We want visitors to take home a winter memento."