Photo/Illutration A UH-60JA helicopter, the same type as the one that went missing off Miyakojima island in Okinawa Prefecture on April 6 (Captured from the Ground Self-Defense Force website)

The Ground Self-Defense Force helicopter that crashed into the sea in Okinawa Prefecture apparently broke into three large pieces upon impact with the water, according to sources close to the government.

A salvaging vessel of a private company commissioned by the Defense Ministry arrived at the crash site near Miyakojima on April 28. It is soon expected to start retrieving the helicopter wreckage.

The sources said images show three main pieces of the helicopter on the seabed. Smaller parts that broke off from the aircraft during the crash were also found nearby.

Helicopters are generally strong enough to withstand “vertical” impacts but are weaker in “horizontal” impacts.

The GSDF helicopter likely flew at low altitude over the water in a north-northeast direction after it disappeared off the radar. The side of its body then hit the sea surface in a horizontal impact that caused the aircraft to overturn, the sources said.

The body apparently broke into three pieces, and the parts sank to the seabed at the same time, they said.

“At least, we have ruled out the possibility that the helicopter was involved in a midair collision that would have caused its parts to fly in all directions,” a source said.

The helicopter was carrying 10 GSDF members when it disappeared on April 6. Five bodies have been recovered so far.