Photo/Illutration An offensive drone called “Mohajer 6,” back left, the self-destruct drone “Shahed 131,” foreground, and “Shahed 136,” back right, seen in Kyiv on Nov. 23, are believed to have been made in Iran with parts from foreign countries, including Japan. (Tadashi Sugiyama)

KYIV, Ukraine--Drones used by Russia’s military to attack Ukraine’s essential infrastructure contain components made by Japanese companies, according to an analysis by Ukraine’s military intelligence agency.

Many of the components are home electronics parts exported from Japan. The components, all easily available, are believed to have been shipped to another country first, then diverted to military use as lethal weapons.

The agency said it believes the drones were made in Iran, based on their shape and other design aspects.

Japan regulates exports under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law to prevent goods from being used for military purposes. But less-advanced components, such as those widely used in home appliances, are essentially exempt from the regulations.

“The problem is that we now live in an age where weapons can be easily made from things like home appliances,” said Kazuto Suzuki, professor of international political economy at the University of Tokyo.

At a facility in Kyiv in November, the agency showed an Asahi Shimbun reporter a downed offensive drone it captured called “Mohajer 6,” along with the self-destruct drones “Shahed 131” and “Shahed 136.”

It said these drones were used by Russia’s military in the war and that the Ukrainian military had shot them out of the air.

The three drones did not explode and remained intact after crashing to the ground. The agency is now analyzing their components.

It compiled a list of the parts used to make the drones, which include integrated circuits and motors. The 26-page document includes photos and details of manufacturers, countries of origin and the number of such components.

Mohajer 6 measures around 6 meters long and has a maximum speed of 200 kph. The drone has reconnaissance functions and can launch attacks with multiple guided missiles on board.

Mohajer 6 consists of 117 different types of components, or 200 parts in total, according to the document.

Around 65 percent of the components were made in the United States, and around 11 percent were made in Japan.

Products from the United States, Europe, Japan and Canada accounted for about 86 percent.

According to the list, the Japanese products vary from batteries to cameras from major electronics manufacturers.

Among the many components removed from the drones, all laid out at the agency’s facility, is a camera bearing a barcode and the words “Made in Japan” at the bottom.

Relays, which turn on and off electricity flows, and integrated circuits were also made by a major Japanese electronics maker and a major semiconductor manufacturer, according to the list.

The electronics maker said these relays are designed for industrial machines and home appliances, such as refrigerators and washing machines.

Servo motors, which control equipment by rotating parts, were produced by a Japanese electronics manufacturer.

Last year, the company’s president was referred to prosecutors for attempting to export motors to China that could be diverted to military use. But he was later not indicted.

The company said it has exported to China, Europe and other countries around the globe--but never to Iran.

“It is regrettable our products are misused for war,” a company official said. The motors are designed to be used for things like model airplanes, they said.

The self-destructing Shahed 136 measures around 3.3 meters and has a maximum speed of 180 kph and a maximum flight distance of more than 1,500 km. It seeks its target after receiving a GPS coordinate, and its 40-kilogram warhead detonates on impact.

Around 3 percent of the drone’s components were made in Japan, and about 75 percent were made in the United States, according to the military’s data. Those U.S. parts consist mainly of integrated circuits.

Seven Japanese manufacturers were listed in the data about the Shahed 136 and Mohajer 6. All of the companies said they do not directly export to Iran.

The Russian military has repeatedly attacked power facilities and other critical infrastructure in Ukraine, along with residential houses, using drones and other weapons.