Photo/Illutration Daishiro Yamagiwa, former state minister in charge of economic revitalization, speaks at the Cabinet office on Oct. 24. (Koichi Ueda)

A Cabinet member who was virtually forced out of the Kishida administration after mishandling revelations about his ties with the Unification Church will now lead the ruling party’s COVID-19 task force.

Daishiro Yamagiwa, 54, resigned as state minister in charge of economic revitalization on Oct. 24 after it became publicly known that he attended multiple events related to the church and met with its leader.

Opposition lawmakers questioned Yamagiwa in the Diet over the issue, but he repeatedly denied that he had “any recollection” of the meetings.

However, his memory greatly improved whenever he was presented with proof of the meetings, such as photographs.

Political insiders believe he was forced out of his Cabinet role over how poorly he managed the scandal.

“I have caused trouble to the (Kishida) administration,” Yamagiwa said when he stepped down from the position.

But on Oct. 28, just four days after his resignation, the Liberal Democratic Party appointed Yamagiwa as head of its COVID-19 task force, according to party sources.

The party’s stance is that Yamagiwa took a lead role in the Kishida administration’s pandemic response, making him qualified for the post.