Tokyo police announced on June 8 that Indonesian police have arrested a Japanese fugitive who was wanted in connection with COVID-19 pandemic subsidy fraud.

Police were notified by local police authorities that Mitsuhiro Taniguchi, 47, was arrested on suspicion of illegal stay in Indonesia.

Tokyo police plan to prepare for his transfer to Japan as soon as his identity is confirmed.

Taniguchi's whereabouts became unknown after he left Japan for Indonesia in October 2020.

Taniguchi was being placed on an international wanted list by Tokyo’s Metropolitan Police Department on suspicion of fraudulently receiving government subsidies for small businesses struggling under the COVID-19 pandemic.

Details of the case were being sent to the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO).

Tokyo police believe a group of collaborators including Taniguchi and his family filed 1,780 false applications for subsidies. Of these, about 960 million yen ($7.2 million) had been paid out for at least 960 approved applications.

On May 30, Tokyo police arrested three members of Taniguchi's family including his ex-wife and her two sons on suspicion of fraud.