Photo/Illutration Nighttime in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward with the office of the Tokyo metropolitan government seen at the upper left (Asahi Shimbun file photo)

The Tokyo metropolitan government reported 4,355 new COVID-19 cases on May 18, down 409 from the same day a week ago.

Officials also confirmed seven related deaths among patients in their 70s to 90s.

The daily average of new cases over the week through May 18 in Tokyo was 3,695.3, or 100.5 percent of the average for the preceding week.

People in their 20s represented the largest age group of new patients in the capital at 926, followed by 779 in their 30s, and 725 under 10.

Additionally, 276 people aged 65 or older tested positive.

The occupancy rate of hospital beds for COVID-19 patients in Tokyo was 15.3 percent, while 2.2 percent of hospital beds for severely ill patients were filled, officials said.

The metropolitan government said it would consider asking the central government to issue a state of emergency for Tokyo if the occupancy rate for beds for seriously ill patients rises to between 30 and 40 percent.