Photo/Illutration A man wearing a face mask crosses a bridge in Tokyo on March 25. (AP Photo)

Tokyo on April 13 reported the second straight week-on-week decline in new COVID-19 cases, as well as five deaths of patients in their 50s to 90s.

The capital had 8,253 newly confirmed novel coronavirus infections, down 399 from the previous Wednesday.

The daily average of new cases over the week through April 13 in Tokyo was 7,532.9, or 102.4 percent of the average for the preceding week.

People in their 20s represented the largest age group of the new patients, at 1,576, followed by 1,554 in their 30s, 1,423 aged 9 or younger, 1,262 in their 40s, and 1,045 between 10 and 19.

Additionally, 515 people aged 65 or older tested positive.