Photo/Illutration (c) Wizart Animation (c) LES ARMATEURS (c) Balance Film (c) Aparte Film, Sacrebleu, Minds Meet

Films from Russia, France, Germany and Romania were nominated for the Feature Animation category at the Tokyo Anime Award Festival (TAAF) 2020.

The four films are: "The Snow Queen: Mirrorlands" by Aleksey Tsitsilin and Robert Lence from Russia; "The Swallows of Kabul" by Zabou Breitman and Elea Gobbe-Mevellec from France; "Fritzi--A Revolutionary Tale" by Ralf Kukula and Matthias Bruhn from Germany; and "Marona's Fantastic Tale" by Anca Damian from Romania.

This year, 29 feature-length films were submitted from 22 countries and regions, while 32 works selected from 1,054 submissions from 67 countries and regions are in the running in the Short Animation category. Both figures are higher than those of last year.

Short films are grouped in three slots. Slot 1 has 12 titles, including "This Side, Other Side" by Lida Fazli from Iran. David Doutel and Vasco Sa's "Augur" from Poltugal is among nine titles in Slot 2, and "Galapagos" by Hur Bum-wook from South Korea is one of 11 works in Slot 3.

TAAF 2020 will be held March 13-16 at venues in the capital’s Ikebukuro district.

For more information, visit the official website at (

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