HONG KONG--Beijing supports more bold measures to tackle the roots of unrest that has roiled Hong Kong for months, a senior Chinese official said on Wednesday, just hours after a knife-wielding man attacked a pro-Beijing lawmaker in the financial hub.

Han Zheng, China's vice premier, at an official meeting with Hong Kong's embattled leader Carrie Lam in Beijing, said anti-government protests were damaging the "one country, two systems" formula under which the city has been governed since its handover from Britain to Beijing in 1997.

"We firmly support the Special Administrative Region government to adopt more pro-active and more effective measures to solve the social problems," Han said, as he sat next to Lam in a meeting room in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Han said the social problems included unaffordable housing in the city, which is classified as a special region of China.

China's Communist Party said on Tuesday it would not tolerate any "separatist behavior" after some protesters called for independence. Han said the violence had exceeded the "bottom line" of the rule law and of morality.

What started as agitation against a now-scrapped extradition bill that would have allowed people to be sent to mainland China for trial, has widened into calls for full democracy, among other demands.

The more than five months of protests have plunged Hong Kong into its biggest political crisis in decades and pose one of the gravest challenges to Chinese President Xi Jinping's rule since he came to power in 2012.

Han was meeting Lam just hours after a man stabbed pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho in the chest with a knife, the latest incident in a series of attacks on candidates running in the city's district council elections.

Both pro-democratic and pro-establishment figures have been targeted. The vote is on Nov. 24.

The alleged attacker was subdued and arrested. Ho said in a statement posted online that he had suffered a knife wound to the upper left part of his chest, but said his life was not at risk. Two of his colleagues were also hurt, he said.

The attacker's motive was not known but Ho gained notoriety among anti-government protesters in July when he was filmed laughing and shaking hands with suspected triad gang members who assaulted young demonstrators.

An online video showed the assailant handing Ho a bunch of yellow flowers, before taking a weapon out of his bag and stabbing him.


Among the prominent people to be attacked during the months of sometimes violent unrest was Jimmy Sham, a leader of Hong Kong's Civil Human Rights Front, which organized mass rallies against the extradition bill. He was attacked in October.

District councilor Andrew Chiu was assaulted by a man who bit off part of his ear outside a shopping mall this week.

Further protests are planned on Wednesday at some of Hong Kong's universities, activists said. Police fired water cannon to disperse protesters at a Guy Fawkes-themed march on Tuesday.

Protesters are demanding an end to perceived Chinese meddling in the territory's affairs, as well as universal suffrage and an independent inquiry into alleged police brutality, among other demands.

Beijing denies interfering and blames foreign governments for fueling the unrest.

President Xi met Lam on Tuesday in Shanghai, vouching support for her administration.

Following the meeting, Lam denied rumors that the government was considering an amnesty for protesters charged with offenses.

A student of a Hong Kong university who fell during protests at the weekend remained in critical condition on life support, hospital authorities said as his friends gathered at the hospital to pray for him.