Photo/Illutration The name of Kadokawa Corp. is engraved on a granite block in front of the company’s Tokyo headquarters. (The Asahi Shimbun)

Leading Japanese publisher Kadokawa Corp., the victim of a massive cyberattack last month, announced July 2 that the hacking group has leaked more information held by the company.

Kadokawa said it is investigating the matter but that it will take time.

The company said the group, “BlackSuit,” added a link to a statement of criminal activity on the “dark web,” where it is notoriously difficult to identify the source of the information, earlier in the day.

Kadokawa suffered a major systems failure early on June 8.

The data on the server was encrypted by ransomware and the company’s business has been affected, officials said.

The cybercrime group released a statement June 27 claiming to be behind the attack.

The following day, Kadokawa confirmed that information on contracts with business partners as well as personal information of all employees of its subsidiary, Dwango, had been leaked to outside parties.

In the statement, the group claimed to have hacked into Kadokawa’s network in early June and downloaded 1.5 terabytes of data.

The group demanded payment of a ransom in exchange for ceasing to release the stolen data and restoring the encrypted data. The group declared it would release all the data if payment was not made by a July 1 deadline.