January 27, 2021 at 18:15 JST
Kiyohiko Toyama, a former vice finance minister and a member of the junior ruling coalition partner, Komeito, asks questions at a Lower House Budget Committee meeting on Jan. 25. (Kotaro Ebara)
Two high-ranking ruling coalition members visited clubs in Tokyo’s upscale Ginza district late at night and a sumo stablemaster went to a mah-jongg parlor despite Japan's ongoing state of emergency. [Read More]
A series based on diplomatic documents declassified by Japan’s Foreign Ministry
Here is a collection of first-hand accounts by “hibakusha” atomic bomb survivors.
A peek through the music industry’s curtain at the producers who harnessed social media to help their idols go global.
Cooking experts, chefs and others involved in the field of food introduce their special recipes intertwined with their paths in life.
A series about Japanese-Americans and their memories of World War II