Photo/Illutration A map showing the high temperatures across Japan on May 24 (Captured from Japan Meteorological Agency website)

A high-pressure front over much of Japan raised the temperature in Tokyo on May 24 above 30 degrees for the first time this year.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, by 3 p.m., there were 100 observation points around the nation where the thermometer exceeded 30 degrees.

Kiryu in Gunma Prefecture recorded a high of 34.1 degrees, the hottest so far this year in Japan.

Other locations with high temperatures were Mino, Gifu Prefecture, at 33 degrees, Maniwa, Okayama Prefecture, at 32.2 degrees and Yamaguchi city at 30.2 degrees.

Nerima Ward in the capital recorded a high of 31 degrees, marking the first time this year the Tokyo metropolitan area had a temperature exceeding 30 degrees.