Photo/Illutration A Kura Sushi sign at one of its outlets in Mino, Osaka Prefecture (Asahi Shimbun file photo)

NAGOYA--Police have arrested three people for what the news media have dubbed as “sushi terrorism,” where pranksters film themselves committing unhygienic acts at conveyor-belt sushi restaurants, including licking the plates.

Aichi prefectural police announced on March 8 they have arrested two men, aged 21 and 19, and a woman who said she is 15.

They are accused of posting a viral video on Feb. 3 where one of them licks the open top of a soy sauce bottle shared with other customers at a Kura Sushi Inc. restaurant in Nagoya’s Naka Ward.

As the footage circulated on social media, the conveyor belt sushi chain was inundated with complaints from customers and was forced to do a deep clean of the outlet.

The operator of the chain said it hopes the arrests will deter copycats by making it clear that this kind of behavior is criminal.

Sushi restaurants across the country have recently suffered from similar incidents of so-called “customer terror,” after online videos circulated showing similar gross antics done for attention that repulsed diners.