Photo/Illutration Itsunori Onodera, standing, of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party speaks at a meeting of ruling coalition lawmakers discussing defense policy. (Koichi Ueda)

The government for the first time in a formal setting outlined its reasons for wanting to possess the capability to strike at an enemy base preparing to launch an attack on Japan.

The explanation was offered at a Nov. 25 meeting of lawmakers from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and junior coalition partner Komeito during discussions on revisions to three key documents related to defense matters, including the National Security Strategy. The revisions are expected to be completed by the government before year-end.

Government officials said the envisaged attack capability would be put in place at the minimum level required but provided few specifics.

The LDP and the pacifist leaning Komeito are expected to reach agreement as early as next week on the matter, which will be incorporated into the three defense documents.

Government officials cited missile development efforts being made by neighboring nations for its decision to upgrade the nations defense posture, according to those who attended the Nov. 25 meeting.

“Under current missile defense systems, there is always the possibility of difficulties arising in intercepting ballistic missiles,” said one official, explaining the need to acquire a minimum level of attack capability in emergency situations.

No open opposition was expressed to such an approach, although some of those present pointed to international law which prohibits a first strike. This, they insisted, required a clear definition of when an enemy nation has begun preparations to mount an attack to determine the timing for Japan to act.

Lawmakers from the ruling coalition will continue discussions on a host of related topics, including the possible range of targets for the new capability, how the Diet would become involved in the process and how to refer to the new policy.

Keiichi Ishii, the Komeito secretary-general, expressed a positive stance toward the new capability during a Nov. 25 news conference, explaining that it would serve as a deterrent to other nations contemplating an attack against Japan.

(This article was written by Naoki Matsuyama and Taro Ono.)