Photo/Illutration Demonstrators gather in front of the Foreign Ministry on Oct. 9 to protest the death of a 22-year-old Iranian woman who was detained by morality police for how she was wearing her hijab headscarf. (Yoshika Uematsu)

Iranian nationals in Tokyo joined compatriots around the world in protesting the death of a young women who was detained by the morality police because of how she was wearing her hijab headscarf. 

Demonstrators gathered in front of the Foreign Ministry on Oct. 9 shouting in Persian, “Women, life, freedom!”

Some wore T-shirts displaying a photo of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old Iranian woman who was arrested on Sept. 13 and died three days later in custody in Tehran. 

Police are suspected of physically abusing her, and the allegations have led to unprecedented protests that have rocked Iran and generated protests in other parts of the world.

One of the protesters in Tokyo was Erika Adachi, 22, whose father is Iranian. Her family also participated in the demonstration.

“This is not someone else’s problem because the world and Japan are connected,” she said. “I hope more people will learn about the situation in Iran.”