Photo/Illutration A participant is taught to throw a stick-shaped "shuriken" dagger. (Provided by Iga Ueno DMO)

IGA, Mie Prefecture--Those wanting to walk and fight like a ninja no longer have to worry about finding the door closed to their mystical secrets. 

A ninja gym here is now open throughout the year, offering hands-on training experience in "shuriken" throwing, gunnery and other skills.

The city is known as home to the Iga ninja clan, a major school of the feudal-era undercover agents.

Previously, the Iga Ninja Dojo was open for a limited time during the Iga Ueno Ninja Festa event held from April to May.

But now, the gym is open year-round to increase opportunities for visitors and encourage them to walk around the area to boost the local economy.

It is run by Iga Ueno DMO, a local tourist association tasked with developing tourism resources for the area.

Visitors are encouraged to join training sessions offered at five locations, including an area near Iga Ueno Castle.

Participants can learn to throw star- and stick-shaped shuriken daggers, fire balls from a cannon at a target, walk stealthily while maintaining their balance and solve various puzzles to train their mind.

It costs 1,500 yen ($11.50) per person.

Depending on the scores they obtain from each session, participants will be certified either as "jonin-kyu" (high-ranking ninja level), "chunin-kyu" (middle-ranking ninja level) or "genin-kyu" (low-ranking ninja level).

They can earn extra points when they wear ninja attire and perform other missions.

They can complete all training sessions in one day or return on other days.

"We offer the ninja experience on any day now, so we hope that everyone goes through the training and enjoys it," an official said.

For inquiries, visit the official website at (

A young participant solves various puzzles to learn to train his mind at the Iga Ninja Dojo in Iga, Mie Prefecture. (Provided by Iga Ueno DMO)