Photo/Illutration Foreigners attend a Japanese language class in Omitama, Ibaraki Prefecture, on Oct. 14, 2021. (Hiromichi Fujita)

A new system to accredit Japanese language schools would see the education minister authorizing the schools, according to a draft plan the Cultural Affairs Agency presented on May 31 to a group of experts.

Having the education minister accredit Japanese language schools will be in line with new standards on curriculum and school facilities, among others.

Another idea is to have Japanese language schools report to the education minister. The minister could then issue advice or an order for improvement at a school, if necessary.

The aim is to maintain quality in the schools even after they are given accreditation, the agency said.

Another plan is to create a new qualification called a “registered Japanese language teacher.” This would allow only people who pass certain exams, complete practical training and register with the education minister to teach at the accredited schools.

Under the plan, teachers would be registered with the education minister after passing exams on knowledge and skills of teaching Japanese and completing practical training at designated teacher training schools.

However, Japanese language schools are not required to gain accreditation.

Rather, the new system of accrediting schools and registering teachers is to improve the quality of Japanese language education, which some people say is uneven at the moment.

Accredited schools, however, would be able to market themselves as such when recruiting students, for example.

A new law to promote Japanese language education was enacted in 2019 as the number of foreigners living in Japan was increasing.

The law requires the government to implement measures such as creating a new qualification for teaching Japanese, which the agency has been working on.

The agency showed the drafted plan to the group of experts it tasked with finding ways to maintain and improve the quality of Japanese language education.

The agency is currently working out the details of the plan to legislate it.

Under the current system, Japanese language schools that accept foreign students must meet standards set by the Justice Ministry.

Teachers working for those schools also need to meet certain requirements, such as completing a Japanese language teacher education program at universities or other private institutions.

However, experts have said what is taught at Japanese language teacher education programs is not uniform.

It is also difficult to test the expertise of Japanese language teachers under the current system.

There is no standard to guarantee the quality of Japanese language classes outside the Justice Ministry’s system. Such classes include Japanese language classes provided by local authorities or volunteers in communities, or those given within companies for their employees.

In August last year, a different experts group proposed a new system in which the government categorizes Japanese language schools or classes according to why students want to learn the language.

The categories were helping students “Study in Japan,” “Work in Japan,” or “Live in Japan,” the group said.

The group also proposed the education ministry assess and rate such categorized schools or classes.

Considering the various needs of Japanese language students, the group emphasized the importance of people having diverse opportunities to learn the language, including those provided by local volunteers.

“We must ensure that any new government system doesn’t constrain the voluntary and independent nature of Japanese language lessons provided in local communities,” the group wrote in its proposal.