Photo/Illutration Ukrainian servicemen load anti-tank missiles, delivered as part of U.S. security assistance, into military trucks at an airport outside Kiev on Feb. 11. (AP Photo)

Japan joined other countries in advising its nationals in Ukraine to leave immediately as tensions escalate with Russia over its massing of troops along the border.

The Foreign Ministry on Feb. 11 raised its alert level to the highest 4 for Ukraine and called on Japanese nationals there to get out while they can.

The Japanese Embassy in Kiev, which has also begun cutting back on staff, said 251 Japanese nationals were registered in Ukraine as of December. 

A ministry official urged Japanese to leave immediately due to fears commercial flights out of Ukraine could be suspended at any time, depending on Russia’s next move.

The U.S. and British governments are also urging their nationals to leave and warned they should not expect their respective governments to come to their rescue if Russia invades Ukraine.

U.S. President Joe Biden appeared on an NBC program Feb. 10 and said Americans should leave Ukraine immediately.

The U.S. State Department maintained its travel restriction level for Ukraine at the highest 4, which means Americans should cancel plans to travel there, but also added a warning that Americans should realize the government could not help to evacuate them if hostilities break out.

A similar warning was issued by the British Home Office on Feb. 11 and it urged its nationals in Ukraine to leave while they still could.