Photo/Illutration Princess Aiko, Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako with Yuri in the grounds of the Nasu Imperial Villa in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, in August 2019 (Pool)

Whenever Princess Aiko likes to share how she feels, happy or sad, a dog named Yuri has always been on her side for the past 12 years, just as a best friend would.

A 7-year-old Princess Aiko cradles Yuri as a puppy in front of JR Utsunomiya Station in May 2009 when her family visits the Imperial Stock Farm in Tochigi Prefecture. (Pool)

Aiko, the only child of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, first encountered her beloved canine in spring 2009 when her parents adopted a 2-month-old female puppy from a veterinary hospital.

Aiko, then aged 7, gave the pup its name. Yuri has since been a constant companion, accompanying the family on vacations to imperial villas outside Tokyo and other outings.

When Aiko was so gripped by anxiety she found it difficult to attend Gakushuin Primary School alone, Naruhito and Masako walked with her to and from the school for a year and a half through autumn 2011.

On some days, an aide, taking Yuri on a leash, accompanied Aiko instead.

Yuri’s presence had a calming effect. The love and attention bestowed on Aiko eventually gave her the confidence to look forward to going to school.

In 2019, Naruhito and Masako visited an animal care facility in Akita Prefecture, northeastern Japan. Masako told staff members there that Yuri was visiting welfare facilities and hospices to bring comfort to elderly residents and terminally ill patients.

Yuri has a gentle disposition and loves interacting with people.

“Yuri’s personality makes those around her feel secure,” an aide said.

Princess Aiko with Yuri in the Inner Garden of the Imperial Palace on Nov. 14 (Provided by the Imperial Household Agency)

When Princess Mako, the eldest daughter of Crown Prince Fumihito and Crown Princess Kiko, visited the Imperial Palace on Oct. 21 to say farewell to Naruhito and Masako four days before her marriage to commoner Kei Komuro, Aiko was present with Yuri.

Mako had known Yuri for years, so everyone was very relaxed and there was much laughter during an hourlong meeting.

“(The imperial family) wanted to send off Mako with all its members (including Yuri),” said a source close to the family.

Yuri is now 12, which is about 70 years old in human terms, and often spends much of the day sitting and lying still.

Aiko, who turned 20 on Dec. 1, is busy with her classes at Gakushuin University and will be involved in official duties now that she has reached adulthood.

“For Princess Aiko, Yuri is a younger sister and close friend,” an aide said.

“Aiko will cherish every moment she spends with Yuri, and no doubt Yuri will also stay close to Aiko and watch over her.”