Photo/Illutration People walk across Tokyo's Shibuya scramble crossing on July 21. (AP Photo)

Tokyo recorded its highest number of COVID-19 cases for a Wednesday, with metropolitan government officials announcing 1,832 new cases on July 21.

The last time the capital had more than 1,800 cases in a single day was Jan. 16, during the third wave when it reported 1,809 new coronavirus infections.

July 21 marked the 32nd straight day when the daily tally topped that of the same day of the previous week.

For the week ending July 20, the daily average of new cases was 1,277.6, an increase of 55.2 percent over the previous week.

Metropolitan government officials also announced four deaths from COVID-19.

The three-day average of government-administered COVID-19 tests as of July 20 was 8,206.

Of the latest cases, 577 patients were in their 20s, 410 in their 30s, 294 in their 40s and 233 in their 50s. There were also 130 cases between the ages of 10 and 19 as well as 67 who were 65 or older.

Sixty-four patients had symptoms serious enough to require the use of ventilators or other equipment to breathe, up four from the previous day.