Photo/Illutration A nurse prepares to administer Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine in Chiba in June. (Ryo Kato)

Osaka Prefecture ranked last in the rate of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered over vaccine supplies out of Japan’s 47 prefectures, at 45.5 percent, data released by the Cabinet Office on July 8 showed.

Tokyo was the second from the bottom, at 45.8 percent, and Hokkaido third from worst, at 46.2 percent.

Together with Osaka Prefecture, they are the jurisdictions where many outbreaks have occurred.

Miyazaki Prefecture placed top on the list, at 67.8 percent, followed by Saga Prefecture, at 65.8 percent, and Gifu Prefecture, at 65.4 percent.

The Cabinet Office released the data at the Upper House Committee on Health, Labor and Welfare. It disclosed only the numbers for the top three and worst three prefectures at the meeting, which it said were as of July 6.

The Cabinet Office added that the ranking might not accurately reflect the situations of the prefectures as officials in some local governments are slow in entering numbers in a vaccination recording system.

The system is designed to show who has been inoculated as well as which municipalities appear ready to receive more vaccine doses.