Photo/Illutration Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital in Kanazawa (The Asahi Shimbun)

KANAZAWA--A female hospital worker here has contracted the novel coronavirus after getting a COVID-19 vaccine twice, which a prefectural official said does not guarantee immunity against infection.

According to the Ishikawa prefectural government and Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital, a temp staffer at the hospital tested positive for the virus on April 10. The woman, in her 50s, has developed no symptoms.

Officials said the woman’s daily tasks do not involve attending to patients. As a health care worker, the staffer received a vaccine on March 13 and April 3.

Afterward, however, a person who lives with her tested positive for the virus, and she was deemed someone who was in close contact with the patient.

She was tested and learned that she had also contracted the virus.

“The vaccine is to prevent a patient from developing severe symptoms, and it cannot completely eliminate infection risks,” a prefectural official said. 

Citing that the woman has no symptoms so far, the official added, “Maybe it is because the vaccine has worked. Or, she may have contracted the virus before she received the second dose of the vaccine.”