Photo/Illutration In this frame grab from Iranian state television video aired on Nov. 25, British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert, is seen in Tehran, Iran. (Iranian State Television via AP)

BANGKOK--Thai officials say they have approved the transfer back to Tehran of three Iranians who were involved in a botched 2012 bomb plot.

The acknowledgement from Thailand on Thursday came as a 33-year-old Australian academic was freed by Iran after she was imprisoned for more than two years on spying charges. Thai officials did not go so far as to call it a prisoner swap or say what involvement Australia may have had in the arrangement.

Iranian state TV said Tehran released British-Australian Kylie Moore-Gilbert in exchange for three Iranians held abroad.

Chatchom Akapin, the deputy attorney general, told The Associated Press that Thai authorities have approved the transfer of the prisoners under an agreement between Thailand and Iran.

“These types of transfers aren’t unusual. We transfer prisoners to other countries and at the same time receive Thais back under this type of agreement all the time,” he said.