Japan’s trade surplus widened in August as the pandemic pummeled a wide array of industries and sapped consumer demand.

The 15 percent drop in exports from a year earlier was outpaced by a more than 20 percent decline in imports, according to preliminary data from the Finance Ministry released Wednesday.

In one rare bright spot, exports to China rose 5 percent. But both exports and imports with the U.S. fell more than 20 percent, helping reduce the politically sensitive trade surplus by 20 percent to 373 billion yen ($3.5 billion).

Many Japanese manufacturers provide chemicals, equipment and components for products assembled in China. Robust exports have helped drive growth in recent years but suffered as China’s economy slowed and the pandemic took hold.

The pace of the decline in exports has been lessening as pandemic-related shutdowns in China, the U.S. and Europe eased. Exports fell 28 percent year-on-year in May, 26 percent in June and 19 percent in July.

Exports in August totaled 5.23 trillion yen, outpacing 4.98 trillion yen in imports, leaving a surplus of 248 billion yen. That compared with a 152.2-billion-yen deficit a year earlier.

Trade in most categories of products declined in August, with exports of transport equipment such as vehicles falling 23 percent. Imports have been falling in Japan for over a year.

Helping to boost the trade surplus, imports of oil, gas and other fuels plunged 45 percent, partly thanks to lower prices for many commodities.

Despite the latest weak data, surveys of manufacturers show new export orders are recovering, said Tom Learmouth of Capital Economics.

“But while goods exports will continue to recover as activity picks up in Japan’s trading partners, exports of goods and services may not reach pre-virus levels until early-2022," he said in a report.