Photo/Illutration Defense Minister Taro Kono, left, auctions a set of pilot-related items, including a helmet, while moderating the first SDF auction of unneeded used equipment at the SDF’s auditorium in Tokyo on July 26. (Naotaka Fujita)

Japan’s Self-Defense Forces held their first-ever auction of unneeded used military equipment in Tokyo on July 26 to raise funds amid the harsh economic environment brought about by the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Though winning bids grossed 5.818 million yen ($55,000), 33 times higher than the total of initial bids, the auction fell far short of Defense Minister Taro Kono’s goal to be able to buy a U.S.-made F-35 stealth fighter jet. The price tag of the military aircraft is about 10 billion yen.

Kono, who initiated and promoted the event and was on hand to MC it at the SDF's auditorium, said the auction was held because, “We must find revenue under the severe financial situation.”

The Ground, Maritime and Air SDF put up 21 military items for bidding. No weapons or potentially dangerous items were put up on the auction block.

Due to the pandemic, the Defense Ministry asked residents outside Tokyo to refrain from attending the auction. Of 450 applicants who won a lottery to participate in the event, 176 showed up at the auction venue.

Starting bids ranged from 5,000 yen to 30,000 yen. The highest winning bid of 660,000 yen was for a set of pilot-related items, including a helmet.

“This time we had good winning bid prices, and I hope that it will help improve the working conditions for SDF personnel,” Kono said. “I would like to talk about how we can raise the auction sales in the future with the Finance Ministry.”