Photo/Illutration A station passageway is jammed with commuters wearing face masks during rush hour in Tokyo on April 27. (AP Photo)

New coronavirus infections in Tokyo exceeded 100 on April 28 after two straight days of double-digit confirmed cases.

Nationwide, health authorities reported 284 new cases as of 10:30 p.m. on April 28.

In nine prefectures, including Osaka and Saitama, fatalities as a result of COVID-19 came to 19, bringing total deaths to date to 413.

Tokyo had 112 new infections on April 28, raising the overall number of cases in the capital to 4,059. Two people in Tokyo died due to coronavirus complications, bringing the total number of fatalities to 108.

Osaka, which has the second largest number of cases behind Tokyo, reported 32 new cases on April 28 as well as the deaths of four people ranging in age from their 50s to 80s.

There were also reports from various areas of health care professionals infected by the coronavirus.

Three female nurses at a hospital in Towada in northern Japan's Aomori Prefecture, were confirmed to be infected. One nurse each at hospitals in Moriya, Ibaraki Prefecture, and Fukui city also were infected.

Infections have also been spreading at a retirement home for senior citizens in Chitose, Hokkaido, the northernmost main island. On April 28, eight new cases were confirmed among residents in their 70s through 90s.

In Chiba Prefecture, which is next to Tokyo, authorities also announced fatalities at two care facilities for senior citizens where cluster infections of the coronavirus had occurred.

At a facility in Matsudo, 29 residents were confirmed to be infected, and 13 aged 70 or older died as a result. At a facility in Ichikawa, four residents aged 80 or older died among the 16 who were confirmed to be infected by the coronavirus.