Photo/Illutration Medical face shields produced by Toyota Motor Corp. in the United States (Provided by Toyota Motor)

Toyota Motor Corp. said it will produce face shields in Aichi Prefecture and share its manufacturing expertise to equip front-line medical workers in the global battle against the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The auto giant said April 7 that it will offer its Toyota Production System (TPS) know-how to medical equipment manufacturers to increase production of ventilators.

The company has already started trial manufacturing of medical face shields at its Teiho Plant in Toyota, Aichi Prefecture, and plans to start production by the end of the month. It aims to initially produce 500 to 600 shields a week and deliver them to front-line workers.

In Tokyo and other areas where the new coronavirus continues to spread, Toyota plans to offer its JPN Taxi models to transport patients with mild symptoms to other medical institutions, temporary quarantine facilities, homes and other places.

The air-conditioned vehicle is equipped with a partition between the front and back seats to prevent the driver from becoming infected from droplets.

Making use of its supply chain that stretches around the world, Toyota will also strive to procure medical masks, protective clothing, thermometers and other items needed by medical workers.