Photo/Illutration Osaka Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura talks about the prefecture’s response to stem the spread of the new coronavirus at the prefectural government building in Osaka on Feb. 18. (Satoshi Shinden)

OSAKA--For the next month, Osaka Prefecture will cancel all public events organized by the prefectural government--in principle--as a precautionary measure against the new coronavirus infection.

“We are issuing the message that people should avoid holding a gathering regardless of its size unless it is absolutely necessary,” Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura said at a meeting of the prefecture’s task force to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak on Feb. 18.

He said the cancellation is aimed at preventing a collapse of the medical system due to the possible explosive spread of the infection in the prefecture.

Yoshimura said he will urge business organizations and municipal governments in the prefecture to follow the prefectural government's lead.

But he added that prefecture-supported schools can hold graduation ceremonies in March as planned.

The governor also said that prefectural officials will decide on a case-by-case basis the holding of public events that would be difficult to cancel or postpone.

The Osaka prefectural government is expected to hold a commemorative ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the Osaka World Expo 1970 on March 15.

But it is considering calling off or postponing the ceremony.