Actress Satomi Ishihara waves to onlookers as she runs in an Olympic torch relay test event in Hamura on the outskirts of Tokyo on Feb. 15. (Hiroyuki Yamamoto)

About five months ahead of the Tokyo Olympics, the large crowd that watched a torch relay rehearsal in Hamura on the outskirts of Tokyo on Feb. 15 showed the anticipation that is already building.

One of the four runners, popular actress Satomi Ishihara, who waved to onlookers as she ran, admitted that she got caught up in the excitement.

“I was so excited that I ended up running faster than I was supposed to,” Ishihara said afterward. “Runners of the Olympic torch relay may get nervous, but I hope they will try to enjoy it with a smile.”

The event was intended to identify challenges that Olympic officials will face in the operation and security of the real relay.

When the trial run on the 800-meter course began in the morning, vehicles of sponsor companies, police and the Olympics organizing committee stretched for more than 1 kilometer ahead of and behind the runner.

The rehearsal run was also held in Kokubunji and Hachioji cities.

The Tokyo Olympics will be held from July 24 to Aug. 9.

(This article was written by Hikari Maruyama and Yusuke Saito.)