Editor's note: This is part of a series of videos offering an up-close perspective on the animal kingdom. A special 360-degree video camera system was set up in zoos and other facilities to show how the animals view their world as they interact.

Also visit our special 360-DEGREE LIVES page (http://t.asahi.com/360lives), where you can watch all the previous videos.

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Of all the aquatic creatures reared in a large water tank at the Kamogawa Seaworld marine theme park, juvenile loggerhead sea turtles are more curious than other species.

When one-year-old sea turtles that made their public debut this past summer are leisurely swimming in the tropical lagoon-themed aquarium, they keep nudging the glass and going away. It’s almost as if they are trying to attract the attention of visitors with their adorable looks in the hope that some playtime might be in the cards.

Kamogawa Seaworld is located in Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture.

White sand covers the bottom of the large tank where a video camera was placed. The tank hosts around 900 sea creatures of 66 species--mainly those that dwell in coral reefs like the oriental butterflyfish, longfin bannerfish and blue-green puller--according to aquarium attendant Naoya Muraguchi, 25.

Flying fish that migrate off the coast of Minami-Boso in summer are also on display.

Female adult loggerhead sea turtles lay their eggs at a beach near Kamogawa Seaworld each year. On average, they lay a clutch of 100 or so eggs at one time.

If eggs are deposited in a place unsuitable for hatching, aquarium staff members collect them and take them to a facility dedicated to the protection of the species to breed baby turtles for research purposes.

This, of course, requires the permission of the Chiba prefectural government.