Photo/Illutration A parakeet (Asahi Shimbun file photo)

NAGOYA--A man accused of abusing his pet parakeet went on trial here Oct. 9 after being charged with violating the Animal Protection Law.

According to the indictment, Yoshihiko Banno, 34, is alleged to have covered the bird with a contraception and tortured it around June 22 with a long lighter at his home at that time in Nakamura Ward.

During the trial at the Nagoya Summary Court, prosecutors demanded a penalty of 200,000 yen ($1,860), saying “He not only abused it but also posted video of that on the Internet. He shows a lack of morality.”

The verdict in the case will be handed down Oct. 18.

In closing arguments, prosecutors said Banno became unreasonably angry at his parakeet and committed the abuse intending to kill the bird. They said that his motives left no room for leniency in the case.

But the defense argued that Banno had faced up to his actions and was reflecting on himself, and called for clemency, saying the possibility he will re-offend was low.

During questioning, Banno, who is unemployed with no fixed address, said he was unable to control his anger. He said that the bird kept him awake at night with its cries.

He feared its noise might get him kicked out of his room if his neighbors complained since he was not allowed to keep pets there.

He also said “negative feelings” he experienced daily caused him to lose his temper.

Banno then posted a video of the bird being abused on Twitter. When his post drew a torrent of protests, he deleted his account, he said, because he had “fears.”

But soon after he set up another account and posted his video again. He said he did so because he “wanted to satisfy his need for self-esteem.”

Prior to the incident, Banno said he got on well with the parakeet and it liked to perch on his hands and shoulders, but he said, “I couldn't control my anger and destroyed our relationship in a second.”