The Japanese Embassy in Seoul on Sept. 24 posted radiation levels in Fukushima Prefecture, site of the 2011 nuclear disaster, on its website to assuage safety concerns in South Korea.

The website in Korean and Japanese rates radiation levels in the cities of Fukushima and Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward and Seoul.

It says radiation levels in the three Japanese cities are “on par with” major overseas cities, including Seoul.

On Sept. 25, the following air dose rates were detected: 0.133 microsievert per hour in Fukushima; 0.062 in Iwaki; 0.036 in Tokyo and 0.119 in Seoul.

The data was provided by the Fukushima prefectural government, the Tokyo metropolitan government, and the government-affiliated Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety just south of Seoul.

The embassy said the data will be updated daily except on days when the diplomatic mission is closed.

In August, the South Korean government tightened radiation inspections of imported foodstuffs, citing growing public concerns about radioactive contamination.