Photo/Illutration The photo of Kabosu taken in 2010, which later went viral online, making her the world’s famous Shiba Inu dog (Provided by Atsuko Sato)

Once a shelter dog on the verge of being euthanized, Kabosu’s fate changed dramatically when a photo launched her to internet stardom and made her “the world’s most famous Shiba Inu.”

More valuable than fame, the now elderly Kabosu has a loving home and her steadfast owner by her side.

In November, a bronze statue of Kabosu was unveiled at the Sakura Furusato Square in Sakura, Chiba Prefecture. It was created through donations from hundreds of fans worldwide.

“Ever since Kabosu came into my home, a series of miraculous things have happened, enriching my life and gifting me with a treasure trove of priceless moments,” said Kabosu’s owner, Atsuko Sato, a 62-year-old nursery school teacher.  

At her home in Chiba Prefecture, fans from overseas constantly come to see Kabosu, who is now around 18 years old--nearly 90 in human years.

Sato first spotted Kabosu on an animal welfare organization’s adoption website in the fall of 2008.

When the Shiba Inu first came to Sato’s home, she appeared frightened and would warily observe her new family from a corner. But as they lived together, she gradually opened up to the family.

In 2010, Sato posted a photo of an ordinary day with Kabosu on her blog.

The image showed Kabosu sitting on a sofa with her front paws crossed, while giving the viewer “the side-eye” with eyebrows raised and a skeptical expression.

When the photo was actually taken, Sato’s husband had just called Kabosu to come play--she moved only her head.

This photo was a turning point that changed her fate.

Three years later, Sato learned from a friend that Kabosu’s photo had become a meme online. Kabosu had been nicknamed “Doge,” a play on the word “dog,” and clothes and purses using her image were being sold around the world.

“Dogecoin,” a cryptocurrency featuring her image as its logo, made Kabosu even more famous. Dogecoin was created as a parody of Bitcoin and has been used for charity.

After receiving interview requests from foreign media, it became widely known that Kabosu was the dog from the famous meme.

“That photo must have been amusing because of her slightly human-like expression,” Sato reflected.

But she also felt “scared that one photo spread all over the world.”

Many lucrative offers from overseas companies poured in for Sato. However, she turned them down, saying, “(Kabosu) had been used enough for profit.”

In 2021, Sato auctioned off seven photographs of Kabosu for charity that had been encoded with digital technology to prevent anyone from making copies or altering them. The total amount raised from the auction exceeded 500 million yen ($3.4 million).

The entire amount, excluding expenses, was donated to organizations protecting children’s rights in Japan and abroad.

Through international nongovernmental organizations, the money was used to build new schools and repair existing ones in Iraq, South Sudan and Vietnam.

The world’s attention continued unabated.

In April last year, Elon Musk temporarily changed Twitter (now X)’s blue bird logo to Kabosu in response to a request from his followers.

A documentary film about Kabosu is currently being shot by an overseas team.

Recently, the beloved dog has suffered from cancer and other illnesses, even facing a critical condition at the end of 2022.

“I want to stay close to her so that she can live her remaining days peacefully,” Sato said.