Photo/Illutration Members of G-Pop from Kochi-Ke All Stars strike their signature pose with Kochi Governor Seiji Hamada, third from right, at the prefectural office in Kochi on May 15. (Hiromu Imabayashi)

KOCHI--They may like to think of themselves as a “boy band,” but the fact is the five members of G-Pop from Kochi-Ke All Stars are all in their 60s through 80s.

The Kochi Prefecture-based five-piece band made its professional debut seven years ago. And now the group formed in 2016 to put a positive spin on the prefectures rapidly aging population has returned to the music scene following a three-year pandemic-induced hiatus.

The five members were singled out from frontline workers in agriculture, fisheries and other local sectors.

G-Pop has released two songs so far: their debut tune “Korei Banzai!” (Old age, banzai!) and an all-English number, “I Was Young.”

Although the group has performed at local events and other venues, the COVID-19 pandemic robbed them of performance opportunities for the past three years.

But in March, G-Pop was invited by the prefectural government to appear at an event to mark the 10th anniversary of the Kochi-Ke Promotion initiative, which is aimed at promoting the prefecture around the country.

The members performed songs and dances just as before.

With newfound confidence, the group members decided to resume their musical activities.

They visited Kochi Governor Seiji Hamada at the prefectural office to share the news on May 15.

“We kept in touch with each other by cellphone even during the pandemic to make sure we were fine, so that we could come back anytime,” said leader Noriyasu Tanioka, 74.

He also revealed the secret as to why the five members are still active seven years after their debut.

“We are all eager to take on challenges, so we dont grow old,” Tanioka said.