Photo/Illutration The Asahi Weekly DIGITAL logo (The Asahi Shimbun)

In keeping pace with the times and the needs of its audience, the Asahi Weekly DIGITAL website is up and running to teach English in a fun and informative fashion. 

The Asahi Shimbun announced on March 1 the launch of the digital version of its weekly English-teaching newspaper, which is marking its 50th anniversary this year.

Generations of Japanese learning English have turned to the pages of the Asahi Weekly to help them keep up with the latest idioms and trendy words. 

News articles from abroad come with Japanese explanations and the famed Asahi column Vox Populi is available with an English translation.

The top page of the Asahi Weekly DIGITAL website (The Asahi Shimbun)

The website also features columns from a distinguished panel of writers as well as short puzzles using English. Updates on the site will provide an original novel as well as explanations in Japanese of difficult English words and expressions.

Users can with a click also listen to native English speakers recite the contents.

The monthly subscription fee for using the Asahi Weekly DIGITAL website only is 1,300 yen ($9.50), tax-inclusive. Subscribers to the Asahi Weekly print version can also access the website for an additional 300 yen a month on top of the monthly subscription price of 1,300 yen, all also tax-inclusive.

Those who apply by the end of April can use the Asahi Weekly DIGITAL website for free for two months.

The website can be accessed at (