Photo/Illutration Natsuo Yamaguchi, leader of Komeito, speaks to reporters in Yokohama on Feb. 5. (Yuichi Nobira)

The leader of junior coalition partner Komeito lambasted a former key aide to Prime Minister Fumiko Kishida for his homophobic comments regarding sexual minorities and same-sex marriage.

Kishida subsequently fired Masayoshi Arai, who served as an executive secretary in charge of media relations, for saying he wouldn't live next to sexual minorities and even doesn't want to see them.

He also told reporters in off-the-record comments that some Japanese would leave the country if same-sex marriage was legalized. 

“(Arai’s remarks) are the polar opposite of the tide of accepting diversity and creating an inclusive society,” Komeito leader Natsuo Yamaguchi told reporters on Feb. 5 in Yokohama. “The comments are completely inexcusable and firing him was inevitable.”

People at the prime minister’s office, including Kishida, should listen to the voices of LGBT people, he added.

“This incident should be an opportunity to promote better understanding (of LGBT people) among the public,” he said.

He said considering that the discriminatory comments were made by the prime minister’s close aide, “(Kishida) should take seriously the fact that such remarks were made by someone close to (him). The prime minister, himself, should share his understanding (on these issues) with his staff members.”

Kishida should also show a stance of accepting diversity and sexual minorities, Yamaguchi added.

He also criticized the ruling Liberal Democratic Party for its inaction regarding a bill “to promote an understanding of LGBT people,” for which some cross-party lawmakers have lobbied.

“The LDP hasn’t responded to discussions aimed at passage of the bill,” he said.