Photo/Illutration Satoshi Hamada, chair of the NHK party’s Policy Research Council, on Jan. 30 holds the Upper House “invitation” issued to Yoshikazu Higashitani. (Koichi Ueda)

The Upper House plans to punish Yoshikazu Higashitani, a lawmaker who remains in the Middle East while Tokyo police investigate complaints about him, if he continues to skip Diet sessions.

Upper House President Hidehisa Otsuji on Jan. 30 issued a document “inviting” Higashitani to attend the current Diet session, using a rule under the Diet Law.

If Higashitani doesn’t show up at the Diet within seven days of the issuance of the invitation, the Upper House’s disciplinary committee will consider taking action against him, including expulsion from the chamber.

Higashitani, a member of the NHK party, which opposes fees collected by the public broadcaster, hasn’t attended any Diet session since winning the seat in July.

He now lives in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

Tokyo police have asked him to return to Japan for voluntary questioning about YouTube videos he made under the pseudonym “GaaSyy.”

Police are investigating complaints from celebrities and others that the videos defamed their characters.

The Upper House has rejected three requests from Higashitani to remain overseas.

Satoshi Hamada, who chairs the NHK party’s Policy Research Council, received the Upper House invitation on Jan. 30.

“(Higashitani) will not return to Japan within seven days,” Hamada told reporters that day. “We had assumed that the disciplinary committee would hold a meeting (to discuss action against Higashitani).”

According to the Upper House secretariat, the previous invitation for Diet attendance was issued 74 years ago for four lawmakers who were continuously absent from the chamber’s sessions in 1949.

However, the four later provided reasons for their nonattendance. The Upper House sanctioned their absences, and no disciplinary action was taken against them.

No invitation has ever been issued for a Lower House member.