Photo/Illutration People line up for polymerase chain reaction tests in Osaka on Dec. 28 before heading off on their year-end breaks. (Satoru Iizuka)

The health ministry announced shorter self-isolation periods for essential workers who come into close contact with individuals infected by the Omicron COVID-19 variant.

New guidelines released Jan. 14 would reduce the self-isolation period from 14 to 10 days for anyone who was in close contact with a COVID-19 patient in regions where the Omicron variant is prevalent.

The period will be shortened to six days for essential workers in such sectors as elderly and child care as well as those employed at retail outlets selling daily essentials as long as they test negative for COVID-19.

The shortened period reflects growing concerns that vital social services could be compromised if large numbers of essential workers are forced to self-isolate. The shorter period also takes account of the fact that those infected by the Omicron variant show symptoms about three days later, shorter than for previous variants.

The six-day self-isolation period for essential workers will only apply to those who test negative in polymerase chain reaction or antigen tests taken on the sixth day. Those using simpler, but less accurate tests will have to test negative on both the sixth and seventh days of their self-isolation before being permitted to return to work.

The central government has listed sectors it deems vital to keeping society running, but decisions on which services are essential will be left to local governments.

Medical care professionals will continue to be allowed to work as long as their daily test results are negative.

The health ministry also shortened the 14-day recuperation period for those confirmed with COVID-19 and who have not been vaccinated. Such individuals now only have to rest for 10 days, the same period as COVID-19 patients who have received jabs.

The self-isolation period for returning Japanese nationals from overseas was also shortened from 14 to 10 days. However, those returning from nations where the Omicron variant has been prevalent will still be required to self-quarantine at government-designated lodging facilities for periods of between three and 10 days.