Photo/Illutration Visitors watch a live tuna auction from the observation deck at the Toyosu Market in Tokyo's Koto Ward on Nov. 2, 2020. (Shinnosuke Ito)

After a one-year hiatus due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the tuna auction observation deck at the Toyasu Market in Tokyo's Koto Ward will reopen on Dec. 2. 

The deck, which offers a prime vantage spot of the auctions below, can be accessed by advance booking only.

The Tokyo metropolitan government started taking bookings for December online on Nov. 12. It will continue accepting reservations through Nov. 18.

Currently, the tuna auctions can be viewed from an upper-level corridor for general visitors, where they can look down to see the bidding, as well as from the observation deck situated closer to the auction site than the corridor.

Last November, the Tokyo officials reopened the deck, which had been shut due to the pandemic, but closed it again the following month as a result of a spike in infections.

However, as the number of COVID-19 cases has recently plummeted, officials started accepting general visitors again on Nov. 1, while preparing to reopen the observation deck at the same time.

The observation deck will be open for 30 minutes from 5:55 a.m. on the market’s operating days. Visitors can take photos of the auctions but no flash photography is permitted.

Strict anti-COVID-19 measures will be in place.

Only up to 27 people will be allowed at a time in the observation deck where normally up to 120 onlookers would be permitted. 

Visitors will be asked to wear a mask, have their temperature checked and disinfect their hands and fingers. If applications to book for the deck exceed capacity, visitors will be chosen by a lottery.

For bookings, go to the website:
( (Japanese only)