Photo/Illutration Pedestrian traffic in a Tokyo train station on Sept. 6 (AP Photo)

Tokyo on Sept. 7 confirmed 1,629 fresh cases of COVID-19, down 1,280 from a week ago, along with 16 deaths among patients in their 40s to 90s.

The tally marked the 16th consecutive day for the number of new infections in the capital to drop from the same day a week earlier.

It brought the daily average of new infections in Tokyo over the week through Sept. 7 to 2,231.1, or 63.4 percent of the figure for the preceding week.

The average number of diagnostic tests conducted in the capital over the three days through Sept. 6 stood at 8,546.

The number of patients in Tokyo with symptoms serious enough to require special breathing equipment dropped by seven from the previous day to 260 on Sept. 7.

Of the latest 1,629 cases of infection, 440 patients were in their 20s, followed by 306 in their 30s, 251 in their 40s and 190 in their 50s. Children under the age of 10 accounted for 160 cases, while 104 patients were 65 or older.