Photo/Illutration Travelers and shoppers stroll near JR Tokyo Station on Sept. 19, the start of a four-day weekend. (Kazuyuki Ito)

For the first time in three days, the Tokyo metropolitan government reported fewer than 200 new COVID-19 cases, with 162 Tokyo residents confirmed infected on Sept. 20.

The daily figure fell under 200 for the first time since Sept. 17, when 171 cases were confirmed.

Of the latest new cases, 40 patients were in their 40s, 37 in their 20s, 32 in their 30s and 16 in their 50s.

Twenty-three patients were 60 or older.

Twenty-seven patients on Sept. 20 were classified as having severe symptoms that require the use of a ventilator or an extracorporeal membrance oxygenation (ECMO) device, which circulates blood through an artificial lung, an increase of two from the previous day.